IRS Wage Garnishment 

You received an IRS Notice of Intent to Levy 30 days ago and you forgot or ignored it. Now it's Payday. Expecting a check, you open the envelope and find that the IRS has taken most of your money. What's left is not enough to pay the rent, car payment, buy groceries, or pay the rest of the bills. This action will continue on every check due you, until the tax owed is paid in full.

Now you're in big financial trouble. No matter how hard you plead with your employer they cannot give you your money. Once a wage garnishment is filed with your employer, your employer is required by law to collect a large percentage of each of your paychecks.

We are regularly retained to negotiate the release of IRS wage garnishments by arranging a payment plan. The payment plan negotiated by us is always more favorable than any IRS wage garnishment. It allows you to receive your whole paycheck without fears of future wage garnishments.